We follow a rigorous site assessment program to help ensure sustainable management of land and water resources, wildlife and habitats during our operational lifecycle. Developed by in-house biologists and environmental specialists, our process aligns development plans with a thoughtful approach to ecosystem stewardship.
During site planning and development, we identify wildlife, habitats and areas with high biodiversity conservation value and cultural significance.
Internal and external biologists and environmental specialists complete technical assessments to evaluate our development plans, determine risk levels and recommend mitigation strategies when required.
Our goal is to reduce impacts, particularly to wildlife and habitats and their features such as wetlands and old growth forests. Avoidance, minimization and mitigation are the strategies we apply to manage risk for biodiversity at a site-specific level. Avoidance is the preferred strategy, but where we cannot avoid, we aim to minimize or mitigate our potential impact to achieve the most beneficial outcome possible for biodiversity given site-specific factors.
Providing a home for fishers
The fisher, a member of the weasel family, is a sensitive species native to our operating areas in northern Alberta and British Columbia. The species prefers mature forests with access to water. As factors such as development, fires, insect infestations and harvesting activities decrease the supply of trees, ensuring suitable denning sites exist on the landscape is key to protecting fishers. With that in mind, a handy Ovintiv employee crafted artificial dens in his spare time and enlisted a team of co-workers to install the dens on Company property. Time will tell if the fishers enjoy these new living spaces.

We give a hoot
Ovintiv is committed to acting in support of wildlife conservation. In partnership with the Wilder Institute/Calgary Zoo, we have invested C$75,000 over three years in support of the zoo’s efforts to help safeguard the endangered burrowing oil.

Photo Credit: Wilder Institute/Calgary Zoo
Keeping quiet for swans
While planning to initiate the abandonment and reclamation process for a historical wellsite, our team noticed its proximity to two known trumpeter swan lakes. To avoid disturbing the swans that might be using the lakes for breeding and raising their young, Ovintiv requested a timeline extension to delay the reclamation activities until the swans left the area following their nesting season.

Building habitat for wild turkeys
Beginning in 2019, Ovintiv has partnered with the National Wild Turkey Federation to restore approximately 25 acres of previously disturbed land to native grasslands, which would create habitat for wild turkeys, pollinators, and other wildlife. A seed mix of native grasses, forbs and legumes was planted and has started to take root. A management plan to maintain the habitat has been established to enable ongoing growth and revegetation.
Pausing a pumpjack for an unexpected guest
During a pre-site workover inspection, our Uinta field operations team spotted a great horned owl nest in the horse head portion of a pumpjack. Our team made the decision to pause activity in the immediate vicinity and monitor the nest. After the owlets fledged the nest and there were no owls remaining, the well work resumed.

Assessing Biodiversity in our Operations
- Ramsar Wetlands of International Importance
- UNESCO World Heritage Sites
- Biosphere reserves recognized within the framework of UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Program
- Natura 2000